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Difference Between Compiler and Interpreter

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Difference Between Compiler and Interpreter

A Compiler and Interpreter both carry out the same purpose – convert a high level language (like C, Java) instructions into the binary form which is understandable by computer hardware. They are the software used to execute the high level programs and codes to perform various tasks. Specific compilers/interpreters are designed for different high level languages. However both compiler and interpreter have the same objective but they differ in the way they accomplish their task i.e. convert high level language into machine language. Through this article we will talk about the basic working of both and distinguish the basic difference between compiler and interpreter.
A compiler is a piece of code that translates the high level language into machine language. When a user writes a code in a high level language such as Java and wants it to execute, a specific compiler which is designed for Java is used before it will be executed. The compiler scans the entire program first and then translates it into machine code which will be executed by the computer processor and the corresponding tasks will be performed.  
Compiler working
Shown in the figure is basic outline of the compilation process, here program written in higher level language is known as source program and the converted one is called object program.
Interpreters are not much different than compilers. They also convert the high level language into machine readable binary equivalents. Each time when an interpreter gets a high level language code to be executed, it converts the code into an intermediate code before converting it into the machine code. Each part of the code is interpreted and then execute separately in a sequence and an error is found in a part of the code it will stop the interpretation of the code without translating the next set of the codes.  
Interpreter working
Outlining the basic working of the interpreter the above figure shows that first a source code is converted to an intermediate form and then that is executed by the interpreter.
The main differences between compiler and interpreter are listed below:
·         The interpreter takes one statement then translates it and executes it and then takes another statement. While the compiler translates the entire program in one go and then executes it.
·         Compiler generates the error report after the translation of the entire page while an interpreter will stop the translation after it gets the first error.
·         Compiler takes a larger amount of time in analyzing and processing the high level language code comparatively interpreter takes lesser time in the same process.
·         Besides the processing and analyzing time the overall execution time of a code is faster for compiler relative to the interpreter.


خدمات الاستعلام موقع اللجنة العليا للانتخابات

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 خدمات الاستعلام موقع اللجنة العليا للانتخابات


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افضل 8 برامجIDEs (بيئات تطوير) لتحرير PHP

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افضل 8 برامجIDEs (بيئات تطوير) لتحرير PHP

1. Codelobster PHP Edition

This can be accessed from CodeLobster Software. The CodeLobster PHP takes care of the Windows platform. Although the Plug-ins are not free, the registration is. It enables automatic installation of the debugger. For getting assistance with configuration of the debugger, you can go the official site. It enables you to deploy projects on your local web server or remote server via FTP.
For further details you can visit Codelobster PHP Edition

2. Eclipse PDT

This is designed to allow developers to opt language, platform, and vendor environment. It offers a wide array of plug-ins, tools, and examples. It is a program that enables construction, integration and use of software tools. It supports operating systems like Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. The installation comprises of all essential tools for elaboration on PHP. For further details you can visit Eclipse PDT

3. Komodo ActiveState

This is a PHP IDE that can be utilized as an international language development environment and supply Ruby, Perl, and Tcl Python. You can install it with the use of Smarty and Zend PHP frameworks. It also involves using integration that involves version control systems (CVS, Subversion and Perforce). It can support operating systems like Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
For further details you can visit Komodo ActiveState

4. PhpStorm

This offers qualitative and rich facilities for PHP code editing that include highlighting, conformation of code formatting, fast error checking, intensive code autocomplete. The PhpStorm editor is compatible with PHPDoc in your code and offers suitable code ending based on proprietary, device and var annotations. PHP code refactoring also carries out reviews of PHPDocs for keeping them updated. It can support operating systems, which include Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. For further details you can visit PhpStorm

5. NuSphere PhpED

This functions on the Windows environment. With a certificated NuSphere you can use IDE with OS MAC or Linux via Wine emulator. It can support operating systems like Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, Windows 7. The PhpED comes with Advanced PHP Editor, PHP Debugger and PHP Profiler, Code Insight, Database Client, Integrated Help System, Code Insight. It offers total support for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML and others. For further details you can visit NuSphere PhpED

6. Zend Studio

This is among the most comprehensive PHP IDE available with very powerful PHP and Javascript debugging, team collaboration and remote server tools. It is among the costliest PHP IDEs even though it has a free version. The free version does not however have very good features.
For further details you can visit Zend Studio

7. NetBeans IDE(Free) (Open Source)

The stretch of NetBeans IDE is performed by independent NetBeans community and NetBeans Org Company. Oracle takes care and invests in NetBeans IDE. The program permits editing of many files at the same time by dividing screen into many parts. For doing it, you are required to launch two files and drag a marker of any file to the bottom of the screen. You will then see a red framework in text box in the lower part of screen. It can support operating systems like Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. For further details you can visit NetBeans IDE(Free)

8. Aptana Studio PHP Editor(Free)

This is created by Aptana Inc. which is a leading open-source HTML editor and comes with a PHP support. It is developed on Eclipse platform. It is supported by operating systems which include Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. It comes with an in built support for Smarty and its latest versions include a Debugger for PHP developers. For further details you can visit
Aptana Studio PHP Editor(Free)


توشيبا تطلق الحاسب Satellite W30t الهجين الجديد

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أطلقت شركة توشيبا حاسبها الهجين  Satellite W30t
الجديد الذي يجمع بين لاب توب وحاسوب لوحي؛ حيث يشتمل الجهاز على مزلاج يمكن من خلال فكه وتركيبه تحويل الجهاز بسهولة من لاب توب إلى حاسوب لوحي والعكس، ما يوفر للمستخدمين حرية وسهولة التنقل.
وأوضح وكيل الشركة اليابانية في دبي، أن الجهاز Satellite W30t يأتي مزوداً بشاشة لمسية مقاس 3ر13 بوصة، بتقنية IPS ذات 10 نقاط، ونسبة عرض 16:9، كما أنها تدعم تقنية LED، ما يوفر للمستخدم تجربة مشاهدة مريحة تتيح له الاستمتاع بألوان نابضة بالحيوية. بالإضافة إلى تقنية Resolution+ المبتكرة، والتي تعالج جودة المحتوى الذي لا يتميز بمواصفات HD، وتعززها تلقائياً لإنتاج صور واضحة.
وينبض بداخل الجهاز الجديد الجيل الرابع من معالجات إنتل Core، الذي يضمن كفاءة تعدد المهام ومتعة غنية عند تشغيل الملتيميديا، كما أنه يعمل بنظام التشغيل ويندوز 8.1 الجديد، فضلاً عن أنه يشتمل على ذاكرة داخلية بسعة 4 غيغابايت، ومساحة تخزينية تصل إلى 500 غيغابايت، ما يضمن أداءً عاماً يُعتمد عليه.
وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، يأتي الحاسوب  Satellite W30t  مجهزاً بمجموعة كاملة من المنافذ، بما فيها منفذUSB 3.0 ، ومنفذ Micro USB 2.0، ومنفذ لبطاقة Micro SD، ومنفذ Micro HDMI لاتصال متسق.
ولتمكين المستخدمين من الحفاظ على أداء أجهزتهم، زودت توشيبا جهاز Satellite W30t بتقنية PC Health Monitor، التي تقدم لمحة رسومية عامة سهلة القراءة عن درجة حرارة الجهاز، وسرعة المروحة، وحالة البطارية.
وأوضح وكيل الشركة اليابانية أن الحاسب الهجين Satellite W30t الجديد يتوافر نظير 875 دولاراً أمريكياً.


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